Saturday, March 17, 2012

H.O.P.E. Scholarship

Michelle Janaye and I, Jeffrey Chance, believe that it is our responsibility to invest in the next generation of leaders.  Instead of talking about how we could be the change that we wanted to see, we simply took action.

The  H.O.P.E. (Helping Others Pursue Education) Scholarship Initiative is the fruition of our joint desire to serve. Not only do we want to assist those who have traveled a similar path, but also challenge more HBCU alumni to also reinvest.

Our goal is to raise scholarship money for students and ask them to pay it forward in the future. Help us, help others. - H.O.P.E Directors

Our mission is to make quality education affordable to deserving students. No student should be denied access to a quality education simply because they lack the necessary funds. Household incomes cannot continue to dictate academic outcomes.

It does not require a person with lots of money and lots of success to make a difference in society; hard work, determination and a passion for service can turn any dream into a reality.

With the assistance of students and alumni in the black college community, frequent fundraisers, and corporate sponsorships, we are raising money to reward deserving students with $500 scholarships.


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