Monday, November 11, 2013

Wades World Foundation

Dwyane Wade was inspired to start the Wade's World Foundation at the mere age of 7 years old.
He recalls watching a segment of a local Chicago news station where celebrities were captured visiting school children. The featured public school children were mesmerized by the actuality that someone of such great stature would think so highly of them to come and visit. As the celebrity stooped to their levels to greet, hug, and high five the children, their eyes gleamed with excitement and their smiles lit up the room. After the celebrity read familiar story books aloud and offered words of encouragement, the children's demeanor instantaneously changed. Likened to Clark Kent becoming Superman, the children went from being ordinary school children to a generation of world changers who were excited about their education and succeeding in life.

Dwyane watched that news segment in awe. He wondered why no one had come to visit his neighborhood. Why hadn't anyone come to his school to remind him or the other children that they too could change the world and achieve the impossible? He wanted to experience the same emotions and hear the same words that the children in the new segment did. That day, Dwyane decided that if he ever "made it" he would return to his community, motivate the children/youth and give back to local organizations.

Well it is safe to say that , Dwyane has "made it" and has never forgotten that news segment he watched nearly 23 years ago.

Founded in 2003, Wade's World Foundation stands on the shoulders of its' central purpose of promoting the education of children/ youth and its' three focus initiatives of literacy, health and fatherhood. Understanding that his life is bigger than basketball, Dwyane is a firm believer and supporter of the foundation's motto "Every Child Deserves a Shot." By primarily servicing the at-risk communities of Chicago, Milwaukee, and the South Florida region, Wade's World Foundation and partnering sponsors are dedicated to providing opportunities that enable children to overcome challenges, excel academically, and reach their maximum potential.
Our Mission

The mission of the WWF is to provide support to various educational, health and family service programs, in particular those that benefit underserved communities.


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