Sunday, August 10, 2008

AAPDEP Builds Three Rainwater Harvesting Systems in Lungi, Sierra Leone!

Sierra Leone--AAPDEP has just completed the construction of three rainwater harvesting systems in Gbanelol, a rural farming community of over 500 people located in Lungi, Sierra Leone. Rainwater harvesting is a simple yet effective technique used worldwide to provide communities with clean water which can be used for drinking, cooking and other domestic purposes.

Despite its undeniable importance, it is estimated that only 22% of Africans in Sierra Leone have access to sufficient amounts of clean water, while 78% must rely on unsanitary wells and polluted surface water sources to meet their water needs. Throughout central and west Africa, over 100 million have no access to clean water, resulting in millions of deaths each year.

The three rainwater harvesting systems built by AAPDEP in Gbanelol will help to reduce the incidence of waterborne disease there by providing the community with 3,000 liters of clean water every day during the rainy season which lasts from April to September.

Source: AAPDEP Builds Three Rainwater Harvesting Systems in Lungi, Sierra Leone!

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